Libby The Athlete


This is Libby taking a break from playing with her tennis balls.  She was part chihuahua and part rat terrier, or as we used to say chihuahua from the neck forward and rat terrier from the neck to tail.  Our vet even said she had the classic chihuahua face.  I think that is why her body stood out as so different because people expected to see a tiny chihuahua body too.  I think I read that rat terriers can get to 16 lbs.  Libby was 12 lbs.   She was all muscle and a big sweet heart too.  This was one of her tennis balls on its way to destruction as you can see from the felt hanging off of it on both sides.  She would keep playing with them until the felt came off, then she would shake her head and toss the felt, then run to it and do the same thing again and again. She would even sleep with her piece of yellow felt just like she slept with her tennis balls when they were new and whole.  Unfortunately PetSmart eventually stopped getting those specific balls.  She would not even touch the tennis balls from Target, Publix, Walgreens, Kroger, Petco, online or any of the local pet stores.  She did finally play with catnip balls that we got at the garden center.  We found a stuffed soccer ball, basketball, and football that she would play with too.  It was super cute watching her play with the tiny soccer ball because she could kick it around and stop it and turn it on a dime, just like any soccer player would do.  We call this chair in our house the Prayer Chair.  It is where Libby and Klunkers both sat in our laps to get their lactated ringers.  Whether it was me or my husband administering them, we would both be praying for our kids to heal and for more time with our kids.


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