This Adorableness is Klunkers

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I’ll give you a second to take in all that cuteness.  We went to Petsmart to get the tennis balls for Libby and stopped by to pet every single rescue while we were there.  You never know where they will end up or how they will be treated after they leave there, so it is nice just to spend a minute with each one of them petting them and giving them kindness and a calm moment.  When I reached in to pet Klunkers, he fell onto my hand.  He turned around and I saw something was different with his eyes.  I commented that he must have been sleeping.  The rescue volunteer said Actually, he was born with no eyes.  My heart just broke right then!  I immediately wanted to protect him and make everything ok for him.   Anyone will adopt a “perfect” pet, but I wondered what would happen to him since his abilities might be different.  I asked to hold him.  The volunteer told me that he was part of a package deal with another dog (which my husband was already holding!) so they would have to be rescued together.  We already had 3 furry kids at home so we had to think really hard about it.  When we wanted to trade so he could hold Klunkers and I would hold Prancer, Klunkers wrapped his paws around my neck and would not let go.  We pried him off my neck and met them both.  Three days later our application was approved and we were back to pick them up.  It was one of the best decisions in my life.  Absolutely!  Klunkers had a terrible name before so we mentioned a few options in front of him, and each time he would wag his tail at Klunkers.  So, he picked that name and it fit him well. I feel like he is an Angel that picked me too.  We got him 5 months before my Dad died, he was with me through a very prolonged illness that even stumped the Mayo Clinic, and then he passed away 6 months after the doctors finally figured out what was wrong with me.  He literally was the footprints in the sand that got me through.  He was going through his own medical issues as well and somehow he always managed to beat the odds.  For 6 years anyway.  I am still not ready to re-live all of that but I promise I will get there and share his life story.

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