My First Daughter and My First Son


These two kids were with me through so much.  Moving out of my parents’ house, high school graduation, meeting my husband, college graduation, grad school graduation, buying a first house, moving out of  town then out of state, the loss of family members and even the unexpected loss of friends way too young, new jobs, promotions, traveling the world quite a bit, health challenges, and finally settling down.  I’ve seen some really cool things in my life, but coming home to a house filled with this much love is the best.  It is a blessing that not many people get to experience.  I’m lucky that my kids are that special.  My husband had a 16 year old cat when we met as undergrads.  I joked with him that I was a single mother and that he had to accept me and both my kids if we were going to be serious.  He understood quickly that my house would always include dogs, cats, or both.  For our honeymoon, we asked each set of parents to dogsit one dog.  His parents were inspired to adopt their own dog.  My parents also ended up adopting as well.








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