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This little guy was blind his whole life.  When we adopted him and Prancer, we put them in a crate and let them meet our other dogs that way.  When we opened the crate, Klunkers walked to the nearest wall then started pacing the wall back and forth.  He walked the full length of the wall a couple of times, then walked the next wall a couple of times, then the next wall and continued throughout the house.  He was so smart!  He was memorizing the floorplan and he could always find his way.  He counted the stairs when going up, so that was the one place that he totally ignored you.  He would not allow you to break his concentration there.  He didn’t go down stairs however.  Every morning I carried him downstairs to the yard.  I felt terrible to come home one day and realize that I did not put away a 12 inch tall foot stool.  Klunkers found it during the day and was “stuck”.  I opened the door and he let out one of his little cooing sounds to let me know he needed to be rescued.  Klunkers used his pacing technique to learn my parents home, Granny’s home, my brother’s home, and the in-laws’ home.  If he ever was not sure where he was, he let out a little sound to use echo location to find his way.  Klunkers traveled to 20 hotels with us and he would pace to learn each room then plop down on the bed.  When he wanted to go out, he knew where the door was each time.  He would also tilt his head from side to side when you talked or if he was trying to hear something outside or off in the distance.  That’s what he was doing in the bottom photo here.


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