Gentle Giants

LibbyEdwardArcher LibbyEdwardArcher2

These gentle giants are Edward and Archer.  They have some really great Proud Pet Parents.  The whole family came to visit in 2011.  I expected Klunkers to be receptive to guests and for Libby to be skittish.  She is the one who is afraid of packages being delivered on the front steps or airplanes flying overhead.  Instead, Klunkers was anti-social and did not share his space on the couch and Libby hung out with Edward and Archer like they were all the same size.  She shared her toys with Archer too.  He really liked her bumble bee stuffed toy so he got to take it home as a parting gift.  He kept tearing it open and his parents kept sewing it together to extend its life for him.  Archer is profoundly intelligent and needs to have additional games and tasks given to him to keep him from getting bored.  He goes on long daily walks and weekly hikes and he volunteers weekly as well.  He is a certified therapy dog to work with hospice and to work with the National Institute of Health.  His food bowl is a puzzle that he has to solve in order to get the food out.  He knows how to open the door when it is time to go outside and play.  If you can think of it, Archer knows how to do it.  His Mom is an excellent teacher and he is infinitely teachable.  His big brother Edward is a big ole teddy bear.  He is advanced in age so he really isn’t able to be as active as Archer but he makes up for it in heart.  He does still like to fetch the ball if you throw it to him.  I am especially thankful to Edward because he helped me get over my fear of big dogs.  I was attacked by a Doberman the summer I graduated high school.  It bit me in 3 places and my thigh required stitches and a drain where the most damage was done.  I also had to get the tetanus shot because we could not verify if the dog had its shots.  This is the reason all of my dogs are quite small.


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