I’ll Walk Fletch


Our yard is quite hilly and large so most walks can happen at home and keep the dogs entertained.  Of course the social butterfly of the group Polly would walk a marathon every day if you would let her.  Here she’s roped her brother Fletch with her leash as if she’s ready to take him on a walk.  The boys do not need leashes when they walk here.  The front and back yards are fenced.  Polly is small enough that the hawks could pick her up so we don’t risk it.  She is walked on a leash every single time.  Once we walked her through the neighborhood and a large bird kept following us, changing from tree to tree along our street.  I thought she must look like a rat from the air.  I ended up carrying her the rest of the way home just to be safe.  It happened to a small dog here a while back!  It must have been about 15 years ago when it made the news about a couple walking their dog along the river and they let it off the leash.  A hawk carried their dog away.  I think it was a Maltese.  Somewhere a couple of miles away, a woman in an apartment complex parking lot saw a bird carrying something large and then it dropped the dog to the ground.  She rushed it to the vet to check for injuries and to see if it was chipped.  Thankfully the dog was reunited with his parents.  We want her here with us for many many years to come so she gets the leash every single time no matter what.

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