Growing Into My Ears

baby polly in car

Most dogs have to grow into their paw size.  Polly most definitely had to grow into her ear size.  They even grew as she was growing.  They started as these huge triangles directly above a scrawny little pup face.  Then they transformed into even larger elongated ears that hung more to the side of her head.  This picture of a young Polly reminds me of a caricature from a street artist because her features are so out of proportion.  She was still very young with just a wisp of white hair under her whiskers and a tuft of white on her chest.  Now she’s got a great deal of white hair, especially for a 4 year old.  She’s always had those tiny delicate paws and legs.  This collection of dainty features adds up one strong little gal.  She is capable of doing everything she sets her heart and mind to do!

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