Dogs on a Plane


Ok, so this is not a dog on a plane.  It’s indecisive Bates on the couch trying to decide if he is going to break the rules and jump over the baby gate into the foyer where he can reach the dining room with the cat’s food bowl.  At this point he heard me call his name so he knows he’s busted if he jumps.  Last week I took a trip.  I had no idea there was a dog on our plane until the flight attendant sprinted up the aisle toward the cockpit then bent down and picked up a tiny blonde Pomeranian puppy.  Apparently its Mom or Dad was blocked by the beverage cart once the Pom took off running.  Do you find yourself homesick for your kids when you are on vacation?  I absolutely do.  I limit trips for that exact reason.  Well that, and Tippy had to be put to sleep when I was out of town for work in 2009 and Prancer’s health took a nose dive when we were gone on vacation in 2005 and we had to put her to sleep 3 days after coming home.  Those experiences give me a nagging feeling every time I am away from them for more than just a few hours.  Trust me if it was possible to fly with all of my kids I would do that!  That is why we’ve done the road trips to Colorado.  There are so many dog friendly places there.  Hotels, house rentals, shops, restaurants, parks, etc.  I love seeing the tiny dog-height hitching posts outside of the stores where locals are very trusting and actually tie their dogs outside of the stores.  There are taller hitching posts for horses but so far I have only seen the smaller dog ones in use.

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