Klunkers Cali Libby


Cali has been the Big Momma Bear watching over the pups for so long.  Here she is making sure Klunkers and Libby come back inside.  Klunkers was always very methodical about taking care of business quickly then coming to the porch to be the first to be let indoors.  It was rare for him to ever just sit in the sun or wander in the yard.  Libby could entertain herself in the yard as long as we’d let her stay.  She would take her tennis balls into the yard and of course they were fun for her because our house is on a hill. The game of fetch was automatic as soon as she dropped the ball it would start rolling.  She was very talented at seeing the possibilities for fun.  She was also afraid of jets flying overhead, packages sitting on the front porch and other random things so we never knew when she would be skittish about something that would make her run for the door to join Klunkers.

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