Polly woke up Saturday and quickly started taking care of her siblings. She cleans their eyes and ears. Both Fletch and Bates allow it. At first Fletch used to show his teeth and growl at her but she refused to take no for an answer. He eventually softened and now he goes to her and will sit in front of her, waiting to be groomed. Bates likes to go up to her as well and if she doesn’t get the hint he will drop his paw on her head or reach out and drop his paw on her paws. Either way gets her attention and you know she loves attention. Then her caring heart kicks in and she checks his eye and ears.
Month: May 2016
I Am A Lucky Mom
A picture is worth 1,000 words toward explaining why they make my life so wonderful. I love these kiddos!
What Happened To My Computer?
I didn’t have to look very far to figure out how my power cord kept coming out of the wall.
Bates and Fletchy
Fletch loves the structure of a crate or dog house. We keep one set up in the living room so he can get into it when he feels like it. He feels like it a lot. Every time he visits his Nana, he gets in Dash’s crate. This trip he’s sharing with his sweet buddy.
House of Bates
Bates comes to Nana’s and beelines it right for this table. This is where he spends most of the weekend. There are couches and chairs all around it, but he sits here 90% of the time. He will come out to play with his siblings and his cousin from time to time.
Cooing Polly
This little lady woke me up by making her cooing sound at me. She does this when she wants you to play tug-of-war with her toys with her.
Happy Fella Bates
It is so easy to have a good day when you have this ray of sunshine around you. Look at that face! Bates is seems to have a permanent smile on his face and an overall laid back attitude about life. It’s easy to see why his siblings are drawn to him.
Prancer’s Very First Photo
This was the first photo we took when Prancer and Klunkers came home. You can see little Klunkers in the background. He was all business when we went in the yard. Quick to finish and get back to the door so he would never be left outside. This retaining wall was one of the many places Prancer used as her playground.
Prancer Is High Fashion
Prancer came in with missing patches of hair which we later learned was a result of Cushing’s Disease. There is a local compounding pharmacy that made a medication that helped her. Petsmart had these cute scarves for 75 cents and I couldn’t resist dressing her in one. It just velcroed on and it would stay on no matter how rough she played or how fast she ran. I really miss this gal!
Cats Like Roadtrips Too
Cali took two road trips to Colorado with Klunkers and Libby. 12 states and 5,007 miles in just one trip. Most people we told thought cats couldn’t or wouldn’t travel. Cali is certainly the opposite. The first year we adopted her we left for 4 days and she stayed home. We came home to find the covers peeled off 50% of the bed, right down the middle. She also took a spare pillow we left in the hallway and pulled it halfway under the door frame. She let us know she did not like being left by herself. After that we took her with us everywhere. One year we took her to Colorado in an SUV where she could sit on top of our luggage in the back in her crate and see out the windshield. The next year we rented a Volkswagon and she lost the vantage point of sitting on top of the luggage to see out the window. Instead, she hopped onto the dash and watched the scenery this way. It didn’t occur to me that this was unusual until she was about to jump down so this is what I was able to capture.