Bundled Up Cuteness

batesbomberhat pollybomberhat

It is getting noticeably cooler here so imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon these super cute bomber hats for the kids!  They are at the dollar spot in the front of Target and they have hot pink too, but no tiny hot pink ones for Polly at my local one.  I may keep looking at the other locations around here to try to find one.  They also have dog sweaters and coats for $3 but we have plenty of those already.  We don’t regularly get dreadfully cold weather, but occasionally we get that wet sleety snow.   When the kids come in from that, it’s as if they were drizzled with ice water. And of course they want to cuddle up on the couch once they are inside, so these should help keep them dry and toasty, which helps us to be dry and toasty too.  It’s a win for everyone and well, look at those cute faces!  That’s worth it right there.

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