Bath Time Again


There are baths we give the kids, and there are baths Polly gives her siblings.  Our baths for them include water and shampoo, followed by towels and sometimes the hair dryer on cool and low.  Polly’s baths for them include her saliva and kindness.  She cleans their eyes and ears.  They do not reciprocate and clean her eyes or ears.  And yet she has been doing this for them for 3 years now.  She does it out of love and expects nothing in return.


Head Over Heels


Polly is head over heels for her siblings.  This was three of our kids in my lap Sunday morning.  I’m watching tv and playing on the computer.  Cali is purring and almost sounding like a bird while she ignores Polly and Bates and their daily cuddle session.

Thankful & Ready for Christmas


Looking forward to Thanksgiving does not mean we can’t start decorating for Christmas already.  This new tabletop Modern Christmas Tree arrived Friday night and we put it up right away.  It changes colors to red, green, blue or white.  As humans we were entertained by it, and clearly Bates was entertained as well.  Each time the color changed he would turn and look at it as if he were studying it deeply.  After a couple of cycles through the various colors he was used to it and stayed cozied up next to it.


halloweenpolly halloweenbates halloweenfletch

This year Halloween was pretty low key.  No costume at all for Kitty, and only hats for the dogs.  Polly was a clown, Bates was a cowboy, and Fletch was sure he was a shrinking cowboy.  As soon as he had the hat on, he lowered himself to as flat as he could get on the patio.  He got as small as he could and just sat there so we didn’t make him wear it all night.  Bates enjoyed the attention he got as a cowboy. Polly has to wear a harness twice daily so you could keep her in a different hat each day and she would be just fine with it.

Pouncing Polly


By now you know these two are always together.  This is Polly on her way to starting a fight with Bates by pouncing on him.  Their fights consist of the growling noise, but rarely any actual bites.  Polly will bump him with her nose then pull back and growl and bump him somewhere else with her nose.  His method of fighting is more like a game of slaps where he reaches out with his paws.  He is less of a growler than she is, but when he is done fighting, he will let her know by overpowering her and ending the session.



Some days the kitty is friendly, and some days she’s tough stuff not letting anyone past.  This is one of those times when she tried to prevent the dogs from coming up the stairs.  Of course they all ran right past her.