Meet Bates

2016Bates BatesPolly2016 batesy2


Batey FletchBates2 pollybates5

SP Polly and Bates  

Bates aka Freckles joined our family in May 2013.  He was estimated to be 6 or 7 years old at the time.  The rescue saved him from a hoarder that had 17 dogs!  First they took 10 dogs, then he was in the group of 4 additional dogs that were rescued on the second visit.  They did not receive basic care, so he lost his eye and quite a few teeth before we met him.  He did not have any teeth on the top or bottom row from canine to canine.  The vet that removed his eye was interviewed for the local news when they did a story on the 17 dogs.  The rescuers used Dawn dish soap to bathe the dogs to remove the high volume of fleas that they each had on them.  He is a super sweet boy that likes to sit right next to you or toss and turn on the floor on fluffy blankets or on all the dog toys.  He runs in fast sprints all around our yard and really enjoys the snow.  He is terrified of storms and of fires in the fireplace.  He and Cali have a truly special bond, but Polly is his very best friend.  We got them a week apart and they continue to eat out of the same bowl every night.  They both have their own bowls and their own food, but they choose to share.  They start at his dish then finish her food or they start at her dish then finish at his.  They cuddle to sleep whether it is night or day.  He lets her lick his eye and ears.  They share toys and wrestle as long as he feels like it.  Sometimes when he wants attention from her, he will sit in front of her and set his paw on her face or her head.  That is usually enough to get her into wrestling mode.  When he is ready to go outside in the morning, he plants his elbows in your ribcage to wake you up.  If you don’t get up fast enough, he will gallop back and forth across the room to make triple sure you are awake.




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