Penthouse View


So this is the top level from Cali’s tallest kitty condo.  She used to sleep here daily.  She has not made the effort to reach the top level too many times since undergoing chemo last year.  Even when she did climb up here, she would do just that.  She would stand on the middle level, stretch out her front paws, and once they were as high up as she would get them, she would pull her back legs up.  She didn’t simply leap from one level to the next like most cats would do.  Perhaps it had something to do with no vision on one side, or maybe she is just a safety girl and took the cautious way up.

Bonding Day


Fletch and Cali are probably the least close connection among all of our kids.  This might be due to Fletch chasing her and only her.  It could be due to Cali lying on the stairs and smacking him on occasion as he goes by.  For whatever reason, they are not as close as all of the other relationships in the house.  This morning Cali sniffed Fletch most of the time when I was preparing their breakfast.  Sunday was bath day after all the dust and clay of Boxerstock so maybe it is the Johnson and Johnson baby shampoo she was smelling.  That is the same shampoo we use on her so it should not be new for her.  Not to mention everyone was washed in the same shampoo.  Our vet recommended it when we had Bella and we have just used it for everyone since then.  After this kitchen time, I started working on my laptop in the living room.  Right behind me Fletch and Cali were snuggled the way Polly and Bates normally are, but of course I’d left my phone in the kitchen and couldn’t capture the moment.  For whatever reason, today was a great bonding day for these two.



May I help you?  This is one of Fletch’s “homes”.  I bought it from the non-profit where I volunteered for two years when they were closing.  Thank Goodness because Fletch uses it as his go-to secret hiding spot. His second favorite is the blue dog crate.  That one has a zipper top so I can reach in and give him his insulin without disturbing him too much.  With this chair, I have to coax him out of it before he gets his shot.  Many times I can tell he is under it because his big long tail is sticking out of the side at least partially.  Since he likes to sing, if I let out a quick half note he will start singing to give away his location too.  He will still try to fool me to get out of receiving his shot.  If I start moving the chair, he has learned to move with it.  Crafty little guy!  So now I just open this flap and greet him with it this way.

A Room With A View


One of the reasons we bought this home is because it is nestled in nature and has a peaceful vibe that you just can’t get in a typical neighborhood.  The entire main level has windows like this that are just a few inches off the ground.  That was important because little Bella and Tippy could see out every window while we were away at work.  Six years later we adopted Cali.  She gets more use out of the windows than both of them put together!  I just recently found a short kitty condo in pristine condition at an estate sale for $10 so now she has another option for looking outside.  Most of the time you will see her doing this at one of the windows.  The squirrels are so loud rustling through the leaves this time of year.  That draws her to the windows every time.

Stinky Little Tick


Polly has been playing with her toy tick lately.  She is due for an upcoming teeth cleaning.  Until then her breath is stinky and that is making all of her toys stinky too.  The bad breath is 100% my fault.  Part of that is the fear of putting a tiny dog under anesthesia.  Have you had your small dog’s teeth cleaned?  Does your vet do anything differently?  How small is your dog?  What alternatives have you used to avoid teeth cleanings?  I am open to all of your suggestions.  Thank you in advance.

Boxerstock 2016


This is headed home from Boxerstock, a fun all day event for ALL dogs.  The kids are completely tuckered out.  There were rescue groups, pet vendors with goods such as treats, clothes and costumes, collars and leashes, blankets, insurance, yellow fall photos of your pup or you and your pup, and Christmas photos too.  There were live bands and agility courses mixed in with guest speakers such as Victoria Stilwell, who has a new TV show coming out on SKY TV.  She previously did It’s Me Or The Dog, where she helped one of our friends and his wife learn to handle his THREE Mastiffs.  Fletch, Bates and Polly managed to pose for fall photos and Christmas photos, and got to meet some sweet dogs along the way.  The smallest was a 4 pound brown Pomeranian-Chihuahua that was full grown that had traveled from Macon to be here.  The largest one was one so large that he lowered his head to set it on the table while the rest of him was sitting on the ground.  He was basically the same height of my first pony.  If you keep a basic calendar of things you like to do each year, mark your calendar for next October and bring your furry kids out to Boxerstock.  We stayed away previously thinking that it was for Boxers only.  Our vet had brochures on their counter for it and said no, it is for everyone.  Boxers were half of the dogs there, but dogs of all shapes and sizes and ages were enjoying the magnificent fall weather and this special event for dogs and their owners.